LEAP Conference 2021


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The fourth LEAP conference, sponsored by the Wellcome Trust Our Planet Our Health programme, will take place online, on the 6th December
2021. Building on the success of previous years we will continue to bring together researchers working on multiple aspects of meat and dairy production and consumption to consider its effects on population health, the economy,
society and the environment.

This year we have Judith Batchelar OBE, Former Director, Sainsbury’s Brand, Sainsbury’s and Prof Mario Herrero, Chief Research Scientist of Agriculture and Food, CSIRO
as our plenary speakers.


Find out about last years conference here




LEAP21 will include two keynote lectures, seminars as well as oral and poster abstract sessions. Topics will include natural and social science research on environmental sustainability, diets and health, dietary
change, meat substitutes and rural livelihoods. 

You may view the agenda here





The conference will be hosted by Whova. 

Watch this video on how to use Whova


Why should you attend?




For further information please contact us at leap@oxfordmartin.ox.ac.uk