Oxford Food Forum Conference 2017


off beyond the silo advert


9:00-9:20 - Registration (Foyer)

9:20-9:30 - Welcome and Introduction (Lecture theatre)

9:30-10:15 - Opening Keynote (Lecture theatre)
Professor Corinna Hawkes, Director of the Centre for Food Policy, City, University of London.

10:20-11:20 - Understanding Linkages Across the Food System – parallel sessions.

Block A: Socio-Cultural Perspectives on the Food System (Lecture theatre)

Block B: Contextualizing Food Systems: Climate, Energy, Water (Gottmann room)

11:20-11:30 - Mid-morning coffee (Beckit room)

11:30-12:35 - Building Linkages Across the Food System – Redesigning our Food Systems (Lecture theatre)

12:35-13:25 - Lunch and Poster session (Beckit room)

13:25-14:30 - Building Linkages Across the Food System – Opportunities in Oxfordshire's food system (Lecture theatre)

14:30-14:35 - Break (Beckit room)

14:35-15:05 – Good Food Oxford: Engaging communities to tackle food poverty and promote sustainable diets in Oxford. (Lecture theatre)
15:05-15:40 – ‘Where the Lies Are’ – exploring the impact of food advertising on children’s eating habits. (Lecture theatre)

15:40-15:50 – Coffee and tea break (Beckit room)

15:50-16:50 - Panel Discussion: Bridging the Gap between Research and Advocacy (Lecture theatre)

16:50-17:30: Plenary keynote and closing activity (Lecture theatre)

17:30-18:00 - Networking Mixer (Beckit room)

Beyond the Silo: Understanding and Building Linkages Across the Food System 

Date: 29 April 2017, 9:00-18:00

Location: School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford


Thanks to all speakers, organisers and delegates for helping to make the 2017 Oxford Food Forum such a great success! You can read two write ups of the day's events in this guest blog for the Future of Food website by Carolina Bruschi, and in the Dispatches blog for the Centre for Food Policy, City University London by Professor Corinna Hawkes, "Seven connections we need to make to fix the food system".

Food matters. It’s a truism that has gained increasing acceptance in recent years across academic disciplines and advocacy communities. As the impact of food and agriculture across a wide range of social and environmental issues has come into clearer focus, simultaneously recognition has been building of the urgent need to re-evaluate simplistic understandings of “the food system” as a mere collection of linear supply chains. Conventional categories delimit roles and possibilities for agency within the food system, rigidly defining people as either “producers” or “consumers”, divorcing farms and other sites of food production from their broader social context, and denying potentialities for connection and cooperation between institutions, interest groups, and communities.

The 2017 Oxford Food Forum seeks to showcase diverse understandings of the food system that break down traditional silos constraining connectivity between people, places, and problems within the food system. By bringing together graduate and early-career researchers with a wide range of players from throughout the food system—producers, consumers, activists and advocates, and everything in between—the Forum will generate new possibilities for understanding and building linkages across the food system.


Presenter biographies


Download the Agenda here